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How cool would it be to get free iPhones for life? Dream with me for a minute. Imagine brand new free iPhones every other year. And hey, if…
How to retire richer the lazy way There are lots of ways to retire richer. You could start selling products in a multilevel marketing scheme (downside: annoyed friends…
Earth day – time to fight some home energy thieves Welcome to Earth Day. It’s our worst one so far! The earth is heating up, oceans are rising…
Stay sane during Covid It began with a shock as the virus spread, everything closed and markets crashed. Then things got eerily quiet. For a while doom scrolling…
Build wealth like the pros! If you’re on a slower path to wealth than you would like, this is the post for you. No wealth whatsoever? Even better.…
Why your investments aren’t growing What an awesome year for investors! The Dow Jones Index is up 58% in the last year. Rank amateurs are striking it rich.…
Save big on home improvements In the olden days, pre 2020, we all paid scant attention to the condition of our homes. Back then, we focused on the…
Reduce bill anxiety! Ugh. There it is. That gnawing feeling that there is something not so good in your finances. Maybe you have a sense that you missed…
How to beat bank savings rates Sometimes you wonder how they say it with a straight face. Two tenths of one percent? How can they even call it…
Wealth through frugality A quick recap. So far in this series, we have explored the issue of how to stop worrying about money. At its root, financial bliss…