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Everyone is looking for a way to save on gas. That’s a big change in the last year. Back in 2020, in the middle of the Covid calamity,…
Valuations are stretched! 5 great stocks to grab now! A crash is coming! Inflation will eat our returns! Buy and hold! Well which is it? And how can…
Always fun to compare yourself to others. Are you a spending savant or a spending savage? Let’s find out!
Retire early, love every minute There is a lot of focus on the FIRE movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early). Lots of ink spilled on homemade cleaning supplies, tin…
How to control your spending? It was shaping up to be a financially prudent month. Until you checked the bank statements. A few “dangs”. A handful of “ugh,…
Bad money habits are standard equipment for most of us. Not your fault. Great news is that they can be easily upgraded to good ones. And all the…